If you know anyone going to the Super Bowl, please encourage them to participate in the "I'm Not Buying It!" Tail Gate party, Saturday, February 5th. At this event, you will learn how to help put a stop to the buying and selling of American children.
If the stories about the Super Bowl Human Trafficking weren't bad enough, the Planned Parenthood organization makes it even worse by endorsing sex ring activity. The following two videos tell the whole story.
If you are planning to enjoy the Super Bowl either from home or in person, please pray for our and take action to protect our nation's children. If you see children at risk that are exhibiting any of the following Red Flags, call 911 and the National Human Trafficking Hotline, 1.888.373.7888, if you suspect something. It’s better to be wrong than not to report it. A life might just depend on it.
- Scripted answers.
- Inconsistencies in story.
- Branding or tattoos, especially that reflect ownership or money.
- Bruising, including handprints or thin marks like an extension cord or wire. Varied stages of healing with black, purple, blue, yellow shades.
- Coming on to several men.
- Appears helpless, shamed, nervous.
- Malnourished.
- Inability or fear to make eye contact.
- Chronic runaway; homeless youth.
- Dating much older, abusive or controlling man.
- Not attending school or has numerous school absences.
- Clothes that say, “Daddy’s girl” or inappropriate for weather.
See the Traffick911.com web site to learn more.
Blessings to you and yours!