Oracle Unified Directory (OUD) is one directory service product included in the Oracle Directory Services Plus (ODS+) suite that is used for a wide variety of use cases requiring LDAPv3 interoperability.
One very common use case is Oracle Database name resolution. Oracle name resolution is referred to by several names including "net services", Transparent Network Substrate (TNS), and Oracle Names (ONAMES) depending on the Oracle Database version.
Oracle Database name resolution is to Oracle Databases as Domain Name Services (DNS) is to resolving a fully qualified domain name to an IP address to enable a web browser or ssh client to connect to the associated IP address. For more information on Oracle Database name resolution (a.k.a. Net Services), see the Oracle Database documentation here:
Basic Workflow
In this use case, Oracle Database clients connect anonymously [default] or via basic authentication to the OUD directory server over either the LDAP [default] or LDAPS protocol. Once connected to OUD, the database client requests the client connect string for a specific database. The connect string is returned to the database client and then the database client uses the provided connection string to connect to the Oracle Database. The following is a sample connect string returned by OUD:
Once the database client has the connect string, it uses the information in the connect string to connect to the Oracle Database.
OUD Setup
The following is the basic workflow for setting up a pair of OUD instances for this use case on the same server:
1. Make the directory where the software will be installed
$ sudo mkdir /opt/oud/bits
$ sudo chown -R opc:opc /opt/oud
2. Download JDK and OUD into /opt/oud/bits
3. Extract the JDK and OUD software and patches
$ tar --directory=/opt/oud -zxf /opt/oud/bits/jdk-8u*-linux-x64.tar.gz
$ mv /opt/oud/jdk1.8.0* /opt/oud/jdk
$ unzip -d /opt/oud/bits/. /opt/ods/poc/bits/
$ unzip -d /opt/oud/bits/. /opt/ods/poc/bits/
$ unzip -d /opt/oud/bits/. /opt/ods/poc/bits/
4. Create input files for OUD installation and Oracle inventory
OUD installation response file (/opt/oud/bits/oud12c-standalone.rsp):
Response File Version=
INSTALL_TYPE=Standalone Oracle Unified Directory Server (Managed independently of WebLogic server)
Oracle inventory file (/opt/oud/bits/oraInventory.loc)
Temporary password file for setup (/opt/oud/bits/.pw)
$ echo 'Oracle123' > /opt/oud/bits/.pw
Java security configuration file (/opt/oud/bits/ that allows anonymous cipher suites, which are required for registering databases with dbca
jdk.disabled.namedCurves = secp112r1, secp112r2, secp128r1, secp128r2, \
secp160k1, secp160r1, secp160r2, secp192k1, secp192r1, secp224k1, \
secp224r1, secp256k1, sect113r1, sect113r2, sect131r1, sect131r2, \
sect163k1, sect163r1, sect163r2, sect193r1, sect193r2, sect233k1, \
sect233r1, sect239k1, sect283k1, sect283r1, sect409k1, sect409r1, \
sect571k1, sect571r1, X9.62 c2tnb191v1, X9.62 c2tnb191v2, \
X9.62 c2tnb191v3, X9.62 c2tnb239v1, X9.62 c2tnb239v2, X9.62 c2tnb239v3, \
X9.62 c2tnb359v1, X9.62 c2tnb431r1, X9.62 prime192v2, X9.62 prime192v3, \
X9.62 prime239v1, X9.62 prime239v2, X9.62 prime239v3, brainpoolP256r1, \
brainpoolP320r1, brainpoolP384r1, brainpoolP512r1
jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms=SSLv3, TLSv1, TLSv1.1, RC4, DES, MD5withRSA, \
DH keySize < 1024, EC keySize < 224, 3DES_EDE_CBC, NULL, \
include jdk.disabled.namedCurves
jdk.tls.legacyAlgorithms= \
DH_anon, ECDH_anon, \
RC4_128, RC4_40, DES_CBC, DES40_CBC, \
5. Install the OUD software
$ export JAVA_HOME=/opt/oud/jdk
$ $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -d64 -jar /opt/oud/bits/fmw_12. -silent -ignoreSysPrereqs -responseFile /opt/oud/bits/oud12c-standalone.rsp -invPtrLoc /opt/oud/bits/oraInventory.loc
6. Patch OUD to current bundle patch level
Set ORACLE_HOME environment variable
$ export ORACLE_HOME=/opt/oud/mw_oud12c
List patch inventory to see current OUD version and what patches are installed
$ $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch lsinventory
$ cd /opt/oud/bits/6880880
$ $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -jar /opt/oud/bits/6880880/opatch_generic.jar -silent oracle_home=$ORACLE_HOME
Install OUD patch responding interactively with y to both questions
cd /opt/oud/bits/35263333
$ $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch apply
List patch inventory to see compare with previous lsinventory output
$ $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch lsinventory
7. Set OPENDS_JAVA_ARGS environment variable so that when OUD instances start, they will use our custom configuration file rather than the default configuration file
$ export OPENDS_JAVA_ARGS=""
Note: Whenever you restart an OUD instance, you will want to set the OPENDS_JAVA_ARGS environment variable before starting the OUD instance.
8. Setup the first OUD instance
$ /opt/oud/mw_oud12c/oud/oud-setup --cli --integration eus --instancePath /opt/oud/mw_oud12c/oud1/OUD --adminConnectorPort 1444 --ldapPort 1389 --ldapsPort 1636 --httpAdminConnectorPort disabled --httpPort disabled --httpsPort disabled --baseDN dc=world --rootUserDN 'cn=Directory Manager' --rootUserPasswordFile /opt/oud/bits/.pw --addBaseEntry --generateSelfSignedCertificate --hostName $(hostname -f) --noPropertiesFile --no-prompt
9. Setup the second OUD instance
$ /opt/oud/mw_oud12c/oud/oud-setup --cli --integration eus --instancePath /opt/oud/mw_oud12c/oud2/OUD --adminConnectorPort 2444 --ldapPort 2389 --ldapsPort 2636 --httpAdminConnectorPort disabled --httpPort disabled --httpsPort disabled --baseDN dc=world --rootUserDN 'cn=Directory Manager' --rootUserPasswordFile /opt/oud/bits/.pw --addBaseEntry --generateSelfSignedCertificate --hostName $(hostname -f) --noPropertiesFile --no-prompt
10. Enable and initialize replication from OUD1 to OUD2
$ /opt/oud/mw_oud12c/oud2/OUD/bin/dsreplication enable --host1 $(hostname -f) --port1 1444 --bindDN1 'cn=Directory Manager' --bindPasswordFile1 /opt/oud/bits/.pw --replicationPort1 1989 --secureReplication1 --host2 $(hostname -f) --port2 2444 --bindDN2 'cn=Directory Manager' --bindPasswordFile2 /opt/oud/bits/.pw --replicationPort2 2989 --secureReplication2 --baseDN dc=world --adminUID admin --adminPasswordFile /opt/oud/bits/.pw --trustAll --no-prompt
11. Confirm that replication is working properly
$ /opt/oud/mw_oud12c/oud1/OUD/bin/dsreplication status --hostname $(hostname -f) --port 1444 --dataToDisplay compact-view --adminUID admin --adminPasswordFile /opt/oud/bits/.pw --advanced --trustAll --no-prompt
12. Configure OUD1 and OUD2 for TNS
Create /opt/oud/bits/tns.batch configuration file with the following content
set-connection-handler-prop --handler-name "LDAPS Connection Handler" --add ssl-cipher-suite:TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 --add ssl-cipher-suite:TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
create-password-policy --type generic --policy-name TNSAdmins --set password-attribute:userpassword --set default-password-storage-scheme:AES --set default-password-storage-scheme:Salted\ SHA-512
set-password-policy-prop --policy-name "Default Password Policy" --add default-password-storage-scheme:"EUS PBKDF2 SHA-512"
set-log-publisher-prop --publisher-name "File-Based Access Logger" --set enabled:true
Apply the eus.batch configuration file to OUD1
$ /opt/oud/mw_oud12c/oud1/OUD/bin/dsconfig -h $(hostname -f) -p 1444 -D 'cn=Directory Manager' -j /opt/oud/bits/.pw --batchFilePath /opt/oud/bits/tns.batch --no-prompt
Apply the eus.batch configuration file to OUD2
$ /opt/oud/mw_oud12c/oud1/OUD/bin/dsconfig -h $(hostname -f) -p 2444 -D 'cn=Directory Manager' -j /opt/oud/bits/.pw --batchFilePath /opt/oud/bits/tns.batch --no-prompt
Set OPENDS_JAVA_ARGS to use custom and then restart OUD instances to apply cryptographic changes
$ export OPENDS_JAVA_ARGS=""
Stop OUD1 and OUD2
$ /opt/oud/mw_oud12c/oud1/OUD/bin/stop-ds
$ /opt/oud/mw_oud12c/oud2/OUD/bin/stop-ds
Start OUD1 and OUD2
$ /opt/oud/mw_oud12c/oud1/OUD/bin/start-ds
$ /opt/oud/mw_oud12c/oud2/OUD/bin/start-ds
13. Create realm configuration to add TNS admin and grant privileges to manage database entries. Here is a sample realm configuration file in LDIF format
dn: ou=TNSAdmins,cn=OracleContext
changetype: add
objectClass: top
objectClass: organizationalUnit
ou: TNSAdmins
dn: cn=tnsadmin,ou=TNSAdmins,cn=oracleContext
changetype: add
objectClass: top
objectClass: organizationalperson
objectClass: inetorgperson
uid: cn=tnsadmin,ou=TNSAdmins,cn=oracleContext
cn: tnsadmin
sn: TNS
givenName: Admin
userPassword: Oracle123
ds-privilege-name: password-reset
ds-privilege-name: unindexed-search
ds-privilege-name: modify-acl
ds-pwp-password-policy-dn: cn=TNSAdmins,cn=Password Policies,cn=config
dn: cn=Common,cn=Products,cn=OracleContext
changetype: modify
replace: orclSubscriberSearchBase
orclSubscriberSearchBase: dc=world
dn: cn=Common,cn=Products,cn=OracleContext
changetype: modify
replace: orclSubscriberNickNameAttribute
orclSubscriberNickNameAttribute: dc
dn: cn=Common,cn=Products,cn=OracleContext
changetype: modify
replace: orclDefaultSubscriber
orclDefaultSubscriber: dc=world
dn: cn=Common,cn=Products,cn=OracleContext,dc=world
changetype: modify
replace: orclCommonUserSearchBase
orclCommonUserSearchBase: ou=People,dc=world
dn: cn=Common,cn=Products,cn=OracleContext,dc=world
changetype: modify
replace: orclCommonUserCreateBase
orclCommonUserCreateBase: ou=People,dc=world
dn: cn=Common,cn=Products,cn=OracleContext,dc=world
changetype: modify
replace: orclCommonDefaultUserCreateBase
orclCommonDefaultUserCreateBase: ou=People,dc=world
dn: cn=Common,cn=Products,cn=OracleContext,dc=world
changetype: modify
replace: orclCommonGroupCreateBase
orclCommonGroupCreateBase: ou=Groups,dc=world
dn: cn=Common,cn=Products,cn=OracleContext,dc=world
changetype: modify
replace: orclCommonDefaultGroupCreateBase
orclCommonDefaultGroupCreateBase: ou=Groups,dc=world
dn: cn=Common,cn=Products,cn=OracleContext,dc=world
changetype: modify
replace: orclCommonGroupSearchBase
orclCommonGroupSearchBase: ou=Groups,dc=world
dn: cn=Common,cn=Products,cn=OracleContext,dc=world
changetype: modify
replace: orclCommonNicknameAttribute
orclCommonNicknameAttribute: uid
dn: cn=Common,cn=Products,cn=OracleContext,dc=world
changetype: modify
replace: orclCommonKrbPrincipalAttribute
orclCommonKrbPrincipalAttribute: userPrincipalName
dn: cn=Common,cn=Products,cn=OracleContext,dc=world
changetype: modify
replace: orclCommonNamingAttribute
orclCommonNamingAttribute: cn
dn: cn=Common,cn=Products,cn=OracleContext,dc=world
changetype: modify
replace: orclCommonWindowsPrincipalAttribute
orclCommonWindowsPrincipalAttribute: samAccountName
dn: cn=OracleContextAdmins,cn=groups,cn=OracleContext,dc=world
changetype: modify
add: uniqueMember
uniqueMember: cn=tnsadmin,ou=TNSAdmins,cn=oracleContext
dn: cn=OracleDomainAdmins,cn=OracleDefaultDomain,cn=OracleDBSecurity,cn=Products,cn=OracleContext,dc=world
changetype: modify
add: uniqueMember
uniqueMember: cn=tnsadmin,ou=TNSAdmins,cn=oracleContext
dn: cn=PolicyCreators,cn=Policies,cn=LabelSecurity,cn=Products,cn=OracleContext,dc=world
changetype: modify
add: uniqueMember
uniqueMember: cn=tnsadmin,ou=TNSAdmins,cn=oracleContext
dn: cn=OracleDBCreators,cn=OracleContext
changetype: modify
add: uniqueMember
uniqueMember: cn=tnsadmin,ou=TNSAdmins,cn=oracleContext
dn: cn=OracleNetAdmins,cn=OracleContext
changetype: modify
add: uniqueMember
uniqueMember: cn=tnsadmin,ou=TNSAdmins,cn=oracleContext
dn: cn=OracleContextAdmins,cn=Groups,cn=OracleContext
changetype: modify
add: uniqueMember
uniqueMember: cn=tnsadmin,ou=TNSAdmins,cn=oracleContext
dn: cn=OracleUserSecurityAdmins,cn=Groups,cn=OracleContext
changetype: modify
add: uniqueMember
uniqueMember: cn=tnsadmin,ou=TNSAdmins,cn=oracleContext
dn: cn=OracleNetAdmins,cn=OracleContext,dc=world
changetype: modify
add: uniqueMember
uniqueMember: cn=tnsadmin,ou=TNSAdmins,cn=oracleContext
dn: cn=OracleDBCreators,cn=OracleContext,dc=world
changetype: modify
add: uniqueMember
uniqueMember: cn=tnsadmin,ou=TNSAdmins,cn=oracleContext
14. Apply the realm configuration changes with ldapmodify
$ /opt/oud/mw_oud12c/oud/bin/ldapmodify -h $(hostname -f) -Z -X -p 1636 -D 'cn=Directory Manager' -j /opt/oud/bits/.pw -c -f /opt/oud/bits/tns.realm
1. Configure an Oracle database to register it into OUD by updating sqlnet.ora and adding ldap.ora
Sample sqlnet.ora illustrating the insertion of LDAP into the NAMES.DIRECTORY_PATH variable
2. Register Oracle database
Set Oracle database environment
$ export ORACLE_HOME=/opt/ods/poc/db/19c/dbhome_1
$ export ORACLE_BASE=/opt/ods/poc/db/19c/app/oracle
$ export TNS_ADMIN=/opt/ods/poc/db/19c/dbhome_1/network/admin
$ export ORACLE_SID=ol8
$ /opt/ods/poc/db/19c/dbhome_1/bin/dbca -silent -configureDatabase -sourceDB $ORACLE_SID -registerWithDirService true -dirServiceUserName cn=tnsadmin,ou=TNSAdmins,cn=oracleContext -dirServicePassword Oracle123 -walletPassword Oracle123
Register PDB database
$ $ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbca -silent -configurePluggableDatabase -pdbName PDB1 -sourceDB $ORACLE_SID -registerWithDirService true -dirServiceUserName cn=tnsadmin,ou=TNSAdmins,cn=oracleContext -dirServicePassword Oracle123 -walletPassword Oracle123
3. Confirm registration with tnslookup
Lookup container database (CDB)
$ $ORACLE_HOME/bin/tnsping $ORACLE_SID
Lookup pluggable database (PDB)
List all registered databases
$ /opt/oud/mw_oud12c/oud/bin/ldapsearch -T -h $(hostname -f) -p 1636 -X -Z -D cn=tnsadmin,ou=TNSAdmins,cn=oracleContext -j /opt/oud/bits/.pw -b dc=world -s sub '(|(objectClass=orclDBServer)(objectClass=orclNetService))'
I hope that you found this helpful!