It's happened again. Another friend's yahoo mail was compromised this week. Sadly, if like many people that use the same password everywhere the loss of just one password can result in rapid breaches into every other online account they own. Examples include their bank accounts, credit card accounts, brokerages, Facebook, LinkedIn, Apple iTunes, ... and the list goes on. Please, please, please, I implore you to use a unique, long and complex password for EVERY online account. One of my favorite tools toward this end is called 1Password. Below is a video providing an overview of their product. Disclaimer: I do NOT work for 1Password nor do I derrive ANY financial benefit from recommending their product. The only thing that I get is the satisfaction of knowing that users of 1Password can help stem the tide of account breaches and reduce the impact to their online accounts when one of their many accounts are breached.
1Password works on Windows computers, Apple OSX computers, Apple IOS devices, and Android devices and better yet can be synced across all of them. More info on 1Password at
May the strong password be with you...